

Excerpts from the messages of our animals

Get to know the richness of the world of ideas, the size of the heart and the wisdom of our animals.

Wild animals also have an opinion about us humans and our lives.
... and if we listen very carefully, we hear the whispering of the trees...
and messages from unusual perspectives.

Animal communication with tramps

February 2006

Reasons for animal communication:

Tramp peed blood.

Effects of Animal Communication:

Strolchi's words deeply touched his human companion.
He talks about things like "her brother's death".
In fact, Jutta's brother took his own life when they were teenagers. The topic of guilt and pain accompanied Jutta throughout her life.

This conversation was the first of a total of 6 conversations in 7 years. Strolchi's view of the life and nature of his girlfriend have contributed significantly to Jutta's spiritual development and the wealth of knowledge about herself.

Jutta dedicates a large part of her lifetime to public relations. The consciousness and freeing of the spirit and the development of love, honesty and compassion towards each other and the animals are very important to her.
body sensation:
eyes see excellent. sense of smell diminished. A little dirt itches in the ears.
Right front paw sometimes twitches, not bad. Otherwise everything ok.
In the urinary bladder, the urine is already bloody. The kidneys are puffed up red, small granules.

My abdominal issue is important. We chose this together... that we live through this theme: fear. Fault.

We are very good friends in the spirit world. I don't need to study anymore. We take care of the dissolution of fear. The resolution of fear is the theme of this life.
Yes, I am a straight forward teacher. I have to. Because it matters. She's ready. She dwells on it too long.
fear of love Yes it is Too much guilt. Way too much guilt. She doesn't love herself. Just see the guilt. Yes, she is guilty, she has to forgive herself.

There were a lot of events that are important to her. It's not just me Although we have met several times in past lives: The death of her brother. The ride in the canal. Her first real human love relationship that she didn't live. The characterlessness of their fellow human beings. your goal in mind.
She's lost sight of it, like so many of you.

yes i will help her We've known each other for a very long time. I'll bring her back the memory. The pain. And the key. The key to her true self and to love.
She fell low. Fallen a long way. Her place is much, much, much higher. She cannot find the way alone. Too much has happened. She betrayed herself, gave up, abandoned herself. She's looking for a way to make amends. She wants to recognize. It had to be like this. So many people, so many paths, so much pain. It's over now.

I embody her soul. By looking at me, she can no longer run away.
Your soul is bleeding. She must catch this blood with her love.

She'll want to nurse me back to health. That is the point. It is not about me. I like to do this. She must ask for forgiveness. What she did to herself, to her soul. The voice of her heart has not reached her and the soul's plan has not been fulfilled many times. She has to forgive herself.
It's time to get them out of the darkness. We are here for you. Always. We are their spiritual guides and helpers. She should look in her direction. Her animals get a lot of love from her. We want to be her mirror, but she doesn't stop. She doesn't look at each other.

Whatever she wants to do for me, she should do for herself. Naturopaths, Bach flowers, Schuessler salts... she should start pampering herself with them. I'm just mirroring what's missing.
Pray. The spiritual world is always ready. Go to someone who will take the burden off her.
Your heart is calling loudly. She should follow the calling of her heart. I'm here to do my job. i am full of love for her
The world is open to her. Tell her not to be afraid. And I will always help her.

We are bound together in guilt. It should be so.
In love there is no grudge, only forgiveness. I am much further in development than you who are not yet in love.
My mistress will find love. All her guilt is already forgiven.

Tierkommunikation mit Then

February 2008

Reasons for animal communication:

Luego suffered from recurring episodes of arthrosis in all four coffin joints. He seemed emotionally heavy.

Effects of Animal Communication:

Luego's words made it clear to those around him that he felt overwhelmed by his duties.

Luego has been given a time-out. He should be allowed to recover and restore his inner peace for as long as it took.

A person was found who was very loving and gentle with Luego. He was relieved of all other duties.

Luegos was enjoying and was pain free after a few months.
body sensation:
Slight pain in left front shoulder joint. Slight pain in teeth lower jaw right side.
pressure on the chest. longing for rest.
Fatigue. Sadness. He cannot identify with the stable life he is in.
Pain in left front leg and left hind leg.

My body, Maria, vibrates very delicately. A dancer's heart lives in my body. I want to soar up from the firmness of the earth. Want to break free from the chains that pull my body into the earth. i know the fear When I can't break free from the clutches of bondage and pain. When I can't breathe and I can't feel my wings anymore.
Every horse has wings, Maria. Every horse that can feel its connection with the sky as well as the power of the earth shaking under our feet.

Annette... she's my friend. She freed me from another setting where I learned to use tension to counteract pain.
It's only afterwards, when I'm alone with my body again and I immerse myself in my loneliness, that I feel the impact of my struggle in reality.
Annette took me to her side and she felt my pain. However, I couldn't take them into my world. She allowed me to bring my world here and keep it like a treasure in her world.
Some people think they approach me and know me. Some use me to be of service to other people and someone else needs me to be able to prove something to themselves. They don't ask about me.
I feel lonely. I'm not signaling that I'm looking for you because you're all so busy. Your thoughts walk with you, they have you firmly in their grip.

I am a wheel in your time structure and you have attached special importance to me in recent times.
But it feels to me like I'm being pulled in front of a wagon I can't pull. You attach importance to me that I am not willing to fulfil. I can't find my balance anymore.
It's like you're stealing the rest of my dreams.

When I came into this world and decided for this life, I dreamed of freedom and strength and beauty.
I dreamed that I was the wind and the clouds were my companions. I felt a force in my hooves that could crack the earth. I felt I was a leader.
Oddly enough, I still didn't feel responsible for other comrades. I felt that from the beginning there was a world where no other being could follow me. A world next to this world. A world where I wear wings and the sky is my brother and the earth and dust are my fathers.

I'm not like the other horses. I may be one of the most thoughtful, but that's because the human world has taught me that it's a world of pain and oppression. The less you rebel and fight against it, the quicker you will be left in peace again.

No, Maria... I don't want to get away from people completely, I don't know if I would find my happiness then. It's just that despite the people, I feel very lonely. And that makes me so incredibly sad.
They are using me and that is their right, but I need strength. And she doesn't follow up.
I feel drained, like a well that's drying up.

Maria, I don't know... if you can help me. I don't know if you can do it.
I think you know the way... my soul goes and if you really want it, then you could accompany me and feed my soul because you learn to feel me. My body has to learn to let go.
I store my loneliest feelings and sad thoughts in my body. They always set themselves apart when it comes to affirming reality. I don't want to be here, that's the problem.
I dance back and forth between the two worlds and nowhere do I get strength for the other world. I feel homeless and forgotten. Why? Where am I? Who am I?

Yes....I could be sane when I'm free. When my soul is freed from the bars that make me a normal riding horse in your world. I'm so free in my dreams... I haven't found anyone yet who can live this dream with me.
It would be wonderful if the iron in my mouth were taken out of my service. It's one of those bars that really hurts and weighs me down. If this were possible... walking without a snaffle... that would be a big step for me.

I know that our ideas of a life together cannot be congruent. Because you have your laws, in which I find myself just as much as you do.
I dare not put myself in the foreground and change the laws as a special being.

i am luego
I am in your service - just as you are in your service.
Don't forget that there is a way for you that lies beyond your ticking clock.
Who leads you into the hidden corners of your soul, where the longings of your existence lie.
Do you know who you are?

I am a guest in your stable.
Music plays softly in my heart, which I remember today, but which over time had become silent in my loneliness. i am a dancer Because I spread my senses in the sky and lift my feet up to the sky to let them fall with all my might to the earth and to feel my roots. It is the mountain that embodies the power to majestically perform a dance of opposites.
I feel the freedom in me and yet I've been trapped in myself for years.

I'm getting quieter and quieter... as my dream dies. It is this dying of my being, my dreams, that you can feel.
give me freedom By giving me the strength to live my dreams. I miss my home so much.
Can you feel the heartbeat of the earth?

I gave you a solution, Maria. You can find them in these lines.

Wanderer of the deserted paths

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