Annual course in relationship awareness

Living in a relationship means being alive. Everything is related to each other and nourishes, promotes, influences and shapes each other.
If we want to grow within our relationships, we need an intuition of what our very own is.

Relationship AWARENESS

Annual course for self-awareness & healthy happy relationships

Man meditating in the forest - relationship spaces

An honest and tidy relationship with yourself is the most stable foundation for constructive and lively relationships in life.

Clouds in the sky - annual group seminar on relationship spaces Maria Hubert

We learn to act and react freely and self-determined within our relationships. That's why we look at our fears and beliefs that prevent us from taking an inquisitive and unbiased interest in the other person.

-> Details on the annual group of relationship awareness

Topic overview of the 4 weekends:

Schönheit rote Rose - Jahresgruppenseminar Beziehungsräume Maria Hubert

Selfhood - Insight(I)
The discovery of my space

The first seminar of the annual group of relationship spaces will invite us to "come home" to ourselves.
That means, we learn to understand what drives us forward, what inspires us, what slows us down.

Every human soul desires to be seen and longs to be accepted.
We develop an understanding of what it means for our lives to be able to accept ourselves exactly as we are.
You will get to know the joy that spreads within you as you learn to understand and see through yourself better and better.

We look at what external forces affect us (environment, family, work) and what inner, partly unconscious forces shape our lives (belief patterns, expectations, feelings). We look at the dynamics that are consciously and unconsciously constructive and destructive in our lives and relationships.

We approach our being with curiosity, compassion and honesty and discover the potential of possibilities that lives within us. We develop an understanding of how we can deal with the different tasks and offers of our life constructively, fearlessly and empathetically from within.

Self-knowledge and self-love will be a recurring field of practice on the first level of relationships.

respektvolle Begegnung und Beziehung in gleicher Blickrichtung - Jahresgruppenseminar Beziehungsräume Maria Hubert

Recognizing the other in me - the expansion of my space

When you can feel what it means to be with you, you perceive a new quality of encounter.
Presence, self-awareness and a value-free attitude enable the SPACE for an authentic encounter.

Maintaining a relationship with ourselves is fun. Sorting and understanding our thoughts and feelings creates a feeling of inner order and clarity. We get the feeling that we can change things on our own and align ourselves with a goal.

Out of this new power arises a new kind of encounter with you.
Every encounter that touches us in any way has something to do with our field, our charisma and our condition.
If we become aware that we don't accidentally get into one or the other situation, that we don't feel attracted or rejected without a reason and, above all, that we're not powerless and helpless, then we can use every encounter for this to understand ourselves better and to grow.

We talk about the nature of quantum entanglement: Why do I feel self-conscious in the presence of "X"? Why do I always express myself so excellently in the present "X"? Why did I never want to have children and with "X" I know that a child has to come?
The common field is subject to invisible resonance fields and can affect us constructively or destructively.
It can cost us nerves, strength or money, but it can also inspire and bring happiness.

How do I feel which encounter or which person is good for me?
What happens when I'm true to myself with the whole field?
How can I deal with energy loss, how do I protect myself and my energy field?
Where is my responsibility?

The most challenging encounters harbor a great opportunity for insight and growth.
Behind every curve on your way lie new opportunities for small and large gifts in life.
How can you meet each new encounter with an open heart and enjoy the dance of life with others?

glücklich bis ins hohe Alter - Jahresgruppenseminar Beziehungsräume Maria Hubert

Being a Couple - the Dance to Awakening (III)
The invitation to the DU - guardian of your own space
and fellow of the space of the other

Partnership is the learning field with the greatest potential.
Nowhere else are we so intensively confronted with our needs and our pain points and gifted with vitality, passion and the ability to love.

When we learn to take responsibility for ourselves within our partnership and to value the common field as an opportunity for self-knowledge and as a gift, deep peace and gratitude reach us.

We want to give space for analysis to the relationships we have in our lives.
We deal with the otherness in which we meet and what irritations and opportunities are associated with it.

Every being has its own soul structure and orientation. Every being feels differently and lives love and appreciation differently.
We get to know our own soul structure. We look at how we resonate with our partner's soul structure when we are in a relationship.
This helps us to recognize automatisms and to distance ourselves from them more quickly.

Beziehung zu Gott und Frieden mit sich selbst am See- Jahresgruppenseminar Beziehungsräume Maria Hubert

ONENESS and Creatorship - The Yes of Love (IV)
The Return to God

Searching for our lost encounter with God is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. It is the most important relationship of our soul. It is our soul's only relationship. It is like an umbilical cord that empowers us and empowers us to be with ourselves in authenticity in life.

Consciousness is always looking for a point of reference to focus on. So people look for tasks or relationships that give them a sense of direction - a direction for focus and for the use of the life force and time that is made available to us. Depending on how successful we feel in coping with this task, the more at peace we are within ourselves. We often give more of ourselves than we can actually give.

It is time for people to restore peace with God. For this it is necessary that we look around in our interior to sort ourselves and to know what makes us special.

Peace with God is the greatest potential for power that a human being can imagine. Peace with God means peace with yourself.
to register by email
Details on the annual course RELATIONSHIP AWARENESS:
Seminar weekends I - IV
4 weekends within 12 months
Times per seminar:
Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m
Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m

Price: 225 euros per weekend
including snacks and drinks
Meditations and exercise material for the break between the seminars.

The annual group includes 4 seminar weekends per year and can only be booked as a whole.
The breaks between the seminars are used for conscious observation and the integration of the previous topic that has been developed.
If participation on one of the weekend dates cannot take place, the affected weekend can be made up for in the following annual course of the same name.
The venue changes. Participants can make themselves available as hosts.
The dates and venues for weekends II to IV will be determined together on the first weekend.
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