about Mary

As a child, God showed me in a vision the impulse of my soul for the reason to want to come to earth to meet the people.
It was the longing of my soul to want to remind people of the sound of God in their hearts.

I can't help it.
It's my way of understanding life.
My feelings and my perception reveal connections and backgrounds that are not visible to me.
This interest in truth is the key to accessing myself, my soul and what I seek to understand and the work I do.
One consequence is that I've stopped thinking in terms of right and wrong.
I believe that the longing of all ensouled life ends in recognizing oneself and being at peace.
And because I believe in it, I'm not afraid to look.

Everything I can encounter is in a personal search for the right to exist and for peace.
That's my truth and we're all in the same boat.
Nobody is better or worse.

We meet and maybe we leave traces.
Every encounter is worth letting it take place in the mindfulness of the heart.
My faith is strong and unshakeable to this day.
This always requires me to focus on myself: Who or what am I?
If I sink into the distractions of life, then I'm not free. That means I neither hear the voice of God nor do I find myself.
Allowing myself the space of silence and aligning myself with God are the most effective pillars of my life.
Freedom and peace are my most desirable goals.

The combination of focus and openness gives me access to the normally unthinkable.
My guiding prayer is:
Make me an instrument of Your peace.
Things are happening on this beautiful earth, I have no words for them, they are so sad, destructive and violent.
But they happen.
I pray for souls in distress, fear and pain.
And I pray for the souls who are a cog in the chain of causing these conditions.
I ask for compassion, for waking up and becoming conscious, for turning to life and feeling.
The need is on both sides.
Blessing embraces the whole, we can only heal together.

For me, life is a constant invitation to more knowledge, joie de vivre, humility and compassion: to let yourself be touched by the depth and intensity of life.

Sometimes I scare myself. From my inability, my laziness, tiredness or heedlessness.

I'm impressed by all the brave souls who question themselves and don't run away.
The more closely I looked at my life, the more I became aware of the genius of God.
No matter how deep I went and no matter how dense the fog was around me, I remained held and guided.

The more gratitude fills my heart, the more miracles and blessings I notice.
The source of happiness is inexhaustible and reveals itself to those who look and let themselves be touched.

Experiences teach me to take care of my energy and my field. Otherwise I lose myself.
The consequences can be inner restlessness, stress and exhaustion.
Sometimes I do better, sometimes worse.
Some beliefs that you bring with you are particularly stubborn. Then it takes mindfulness to sort myself out and be true to myself and be good to myself.
When I revolve around myself and my pain on the stage of my own drama, I fail to see the bigger story behind the scenes.
I don't see the connections.
If I notice that, then I ask for a change of perspective.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the many different areas of life that need to be served.
Then it quickly happens that I set the wrong priorities.
I think about what I could do better.

Too often I'm not good enough to myself.
I am ashamed that I care too little about the affairs of my heart.

As imperfect as I am, I feel loved by GOD.

Ultimately, I am...
… not important.

And I can be good at that.


It is the encounters that help me on the journey of my consciousness through this life, to find my self, to deal with myself and to follow my truth.
No encounter is accidental. Every encounter is inspired by the energy of the living beings, who look at each other and always look at themselves to a certain extent.

I feel loved by God. This gives me the freedom to expect people to be who I am without the fear of being wrong.

I believe that God is love and that love is the stuff everything is made of.
Just everything. Especially you and me.
This belief frees me from many of our society's beliefs and values that can put a lot of pressure on us when we are searching for the "right" path for ourselves.
I can actually only encounter love in my life. Love in its infinitely many forms of expression and appearance.

I wish us encounters. Encounters at all levels. Encounters of joy and pain that make us feel equally LIVE.
Encounters with ourselves... so that we overcome the limits of the mind and come to the realization that we are limitless beings who came here for love. To balance love and life.

Life of Maria Hubert

... I was born in 1976 and was allowed to grow up in a family where animals were fortunately just as welcome as my unconditional childlike receptivity of faith in GOD.
For as long as I can remember I have loved people, animals and life. And there was never a doubt in my mind that God must be a loving God.

I was privileged to be able to look into the eyes of angels during my childhood. On four playful paws and with a very soft fur, they were our family members for a long time. You could give wings to my soul.

I became a medical assistant. Since a deep longing for life and nature and animals would not let me rest, I left this work.
But instead of riding trekking tours for tourists on a ranch at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Idaho USA as planned, I ended up on a forklift at DaimlerChrysler's Sindelfingen plant after the US immigration authorities canceled.

Life offers so many possibilities. The flow of life took me and I let it. In Baden Württemberg I met the love of a wonderful person, at whose side a lot of development was allowed to take place. My animal friends, who came into my life through this partnership, are no longer physically at my side, they live on in my heart.

I learned how to talk to animals and connect with them in a variety of ways at several consecutive seminars, including with Amelia Kinkade (USA), Iljana Planke (Berlin) and Petra Wiesmann (Cologne).

Since 2005 I have been conducting seminars in which it is important to me to open doors:
The door to our own self, to our soul and our subtle potential.
The door to the world of thoughts and feelings of other living beings, to the sensitive level, the limitless world of energy.
The door to the infinite possibilities we are given when we learn to listen with the heart.

The animals at our side keep talking about helping us on our way.
They helped me convey the following message to many of the seminar participants:
"Love yourself. Know who you are. Be free."

Today I live with my daughter and our dog in the beautiful Taunus near my hometown of Wiesbaden.
Learning never stops. I am constantly learning. I like not being "done".

Knowing yourself more and more is as beautiful as the prayer of a sunrise... little by little the colors of the sky change, describing the ascending power of the light. The first rays of the rising sun bathe everything around you in its warm glow, the night disappears more and more and gives way to the beauty of the day until finally everything is in the light.
Sonnenaufgang Besinnungsraum Maria Hubert

ethical foundations

  • Animals are creatures of God, they deserve respect, respect and compassion

  • each individual is unique in their history, character, feelings and needs

  • all creatures are equal, no one came into the world with the right to look down on a fellow creature

  • Humans and animals are always on the path of growth. The aim is to promote this growth.

  • I ask each animal for permission before communicating and respect the answer

  • I work solution-oriented for both sides - for humans and animals

  • My work is not intended for educational purposes or for the reprogramming of the animal by the owner

  • I see my task in promoting the understanding of man towards his animal
    and in helping to reactivate or remember his own sensitive abilities

  • It is not my job to diagnose and treat illnesses, I refer those seeking advice to the diagnosis and treatment of physical illnesses to the veterinarian and/or animal naturopath or doctor

  • I work value-free and conscientiously, carefully and lovingly

  • I honor all life on this earth as a divine entity
Hügellandschaft schwäbische Alb im Abendlicht


It is no coincidence that I put the qualifications here. I am of the opinion that if you have come to this point, you either already feel a resonance to my being on the mental level or you don't.

Our inner voice always guides us well. But sometimes, for the inner analyst or decision maker, we need some facts from the most factual and worldly perspective in order to find a whole yes to something.

The knowledge and skills that I impart in my seminars come from many years of seminar practice since 2005
in telepathic perception, body language, communication, systemic constellation work, meditation and relationship work.

I use the following skills and elements of the following learned methods:
  • sensitive empathy and telepathic perception
  • systemic constellation work of the inner and outer family system
  • mental mindfulness and concentration exercises
  • Meditation / visual journeys / regressions
  • IFS (internal family system according to Richard Schwarz)
  • Bodywork "Synaesthesia bodywork" according to Ian Stevenson
  • Advice and support with Quantec (bioresonance)
These are my areas of activity:
  • Mental training and teacher for telepathic communication and relationship awareness in seminars and individual sessions
  • sensitive bodywork
  • Relationship work for individuals and for couples
  • Accompanying and advising on projects, operations and processes with the support of Quantec (instrumental bioresonance)
  • Concept development for seminars or workshops with different target definitions under the aspect of self-awareness and self-analysis, consolidation, conflict resolution, target and potential assessment, resources, resilience
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