It is no coincidence that I put the qualifications here. I am of the opinion that if you have come to this point, you either already feel a resonance to my being on the mental level or you don't.
Our inner voice always guides us well. But sometimes, for the inner analyst or decision maker, we need some facts from the most factual and worldly perspective in order to find a whole yes to something.
The knowledge and skills that I impart in my seminars come from many years of seminar practice since 2005
in telepathic perception, body language, communication, systemic constellation work, meditation and relationship work.
I use the following skills and elements of the following learned methods:
- sensitive empathy and telepathic perception
- systemic constellation work of the inner and outer family system
- mental mindfulness and concentration exercises
- Meditation / visual journeys / regressions
- IFS (internal family system according to Richard Schwarz)
- Bodywork "Synaesthesia bodywork" according to Ian Stevenson
- Advice and support with Quantec (bioresonance)
These are my areas of activity:- Mental training and teacher for telepathic communication and relationship awareness in seminars and individual sessions
- sensitive bodywork
- Relationship work for individuals and for couples
- Accompanying and advising on projects, operations and processes with the support of Quantec (instrumental bioresonance)
- Concept development for seminars or workshops with different target definitions under the aspect of self-awareness and self-analysis, consolidation, conflict resolution, target and potential assessment, resources, resilience