More and more people feel disoriented. We have lost our inner compass.
In the face of an incessant and overly destructive flood of news via numerous digital channels, radio and television, we feel helpless at the mercy of unmanageable threats.
What is important to us is devalued. What brings us joy overshadows.
Unrest spreads. Especially inside of us.
The chaos on the outside creates uncertainty on the inside.
Who am I and what to do in these crazy times we live in?
In God we can find the source, the reason you and I are here now.
This includes finding a new, conscious approach to God: Who or what is God - for you, for me?
How can we experience God (again)?
In contemplation of God we change our perspective... away from distress, chaos and fear to a conscious YES for me in this very present to discover, understand and position myself.
So it's not just a "back to God" - it's also a "back to me". When we go in search of God in our lives, we automatically go home to ourselves.
On this day we want to draw new strength, get closer to ourselves and strengthen our trust.
Issues that confuse or worry us can sort themselves out from within because our perspective changes.
This day invites you to find an alignment that corresponds to your truth... because you are inviting God to find the truth within you.
This will stabilize you from within and widen your view beyond the obvious.
When the next storm comes, we want to feel our roots and not let the wind scatter us anymore...
Instead of losing the source of love within us, we want to set it free again and drink from it!
This allows us to become a source for others.
What can change in your life by reflecting on your connection to God?
Times: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ONLINE
"Folge Deinem Herzen
und Du gehst die ersten Schritte nach Hause."
"Meine Vision für jeden Menschen ist ein bewusster Umgang
mit sich selbst und der Umwelt
in konstruktiver Selbstverantwortung."
"Wenn wir uns konstruktiv auf die Suche nach dem tieferliegendem Verständnis für unsere Lebenssituation begeben wollen, stellt unser Unterbewusstsein unseren mächtigsten Verbündeten dar."
"Erst wenn wir unsere INNERE WELT verstehen lernen,
können wir die Dynamik im ÄUSSEREN UMFELD verstehen."
"Du bist der wichtigste Mensch für Dich!
In der Besinnung auf das, was wir sind, woher wir kommen und wohin wir wollen
finden wir alles, was wir für ein glückliches und befreites Leben brauchen."
"Zufriedenheit und Erfolg stellen sich ein, sobald wir den SINN
des gegenwärtigen Momentes zu fassen gelernt haben."