Meditation CD (incl. instructions for telepathic communication / soul talk)

This CD takes you to the land of your subconscious to commune with the truth of your heart.
Communicate on the soul level with your inner voice and with human ones
or animal companions. Meet yourself in a new way.
Allow yourself to be touched mentally and physically by the healing presence of God's angels.

Running time: (4 titles)
Note on the audio samples: It may take a few seconds for the audio file to load.
Audio Sample Track 1: Journey to the Heart 23:38
... is a profound journey into our "spiritual" heart: In the purity of our heart we encounter our repressed feelings and our true self. It is the most authentic place we can imagine. There is nobody here who has expectations of us. Here there is only us and the wealth of our subconscious. Here we meet our faith. We can meet our guardian angel, our spiritual guidance, our power animal and what wants to show itself to us... It is always a powerful journey that gives us courage for our life in the here and now.
Audio Sample Title 2: Soul Talk 9:22
...leads you to a safe, finely vibrating place to mentally communicate with the soul of a human or animal companion. It is advisable to have pen and paper ready and to take notes during the conversation so that you can possibly deal with the content of the soul conversation after the meditation. Fading out the music at the end leaves room for a longer mental conversation. Please stop the CD for this. The “End of the Soul Conversation” is then introduced with the piece “Farewell Soul Conversation”.

it follows Part II of Title 2: Farewell Soul Talk 5:27
Audio sample title 3: White Room 6.18
... is based on the Sensegiving animal communication seminar and leads you into silence and in preparation for the mental dialogue with an animal. Of course, even if you didn't take part in the seminar, you can enter the white room and have a conversation with an animal. Please note that you only communicate with your own animals or with animals whose owners have expressly permitted communication.
Audio sample Title 4: Inner Healing 23.40
... is an intense and honest encounter with yourself. It leads you into deep emotional and physical relaxation. The healing presence of the angels touches the field of your aura and your soul. A very healing meditation that strengthens the heart and body through the energy of mindfulness and love.

Cost: 21 euros (free shipping)
Order the CD Journey to the Heart by email
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