Year Group Telepathy

Year Group Telepathy

We get to know the different possibilities of sensitive perception:

Telepathic communication with animals, trees and plants and with the soul field from special places.
We will also learn to "feel" or "read" "souled fields" such as the energy of a house, the soul of a company or the energy field between two people.
Empathizing and reading in the physical area will also find attention, for example to be able to give a mindful form of massage, to be able to have an energetically supportive effect or simply for ourselves, to give our own body what it needs.

We will use different learning methods that allow for a varied approach.
You will be amazed at the energies that can be read and felt and the importance of the state in which you are.

Learn how you can do yourself good through the mindfulness that you train and how sensitive perception can help you in everyday life.

A special gift that is given to us "on the side" is that we develop a feeling for which supernatural abilities that are within us can be of service to the earth or the collective. Here, too, we can learn where we set our personal limits of responsibility, what we feel a resonance for and also what burden we should not impose on ourselves.

We also want to make room for individual ways of resolving blockages that prevent us from having access to our potential for subtle abilities.

The clearer, fearless and more humble (in the sense of serving) our attitude, the greater and more powerful are our possibilities to be positively effective - for ourselves, for our environment and for our world.

Details of the annual group TELEPATHIE - ONLINE!!!

Seminar weekends I - IV
4 weekends within 12 months
every seminar
Sat 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Sun 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 6.30 p.m

Price: 175 euros per weekend
incl. exercise material for the break between the seminars.

The annual group includes 4 seminar weekends per year. NEW: entry is possible at any time!!!
The breaks between the seminars are used for conscious observation and the integration of the previous topic that has been developed.
Prerequisite: Animal communication basic seminar with Maria Hubert

Dates and topics of the year group 2022:

14th/15th May 2022 - telepathic communication with the kingdom of nature

Telepathic communication with the different realms of nature: trees, stones, plant beings.

Exercises to empathize with the forces of nature: wind, water, earth.

Why is it beneficial for us to connect with these forces? How can this clairvoyance and ability to connect help us in everyday life?

Which realm of nature and spirit am I most drawn to? What is there to learn about myself here?

Dragons, unicorns, elves, gnomes... were or are they real? For what reason?

27./28. August 2022 - telepathic communication with the souls of our deceased animals

Detailed description follows.

19/20 November 2022 - telepathic communication with wild animals and with the energy of animated places

Detailed description follows.

11./12. February 2023 - telepathic communication in everyday life and at work as support in order to be able to lead, treat and/or treat people better

Detailed description follows.

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